
I want to aggregate responses coming from 3 different endpoints(@ServiceActivator) and persist aggregated response to DB.

I am getting following exception

org.hibernate.LazyInitializationException: failed to lazily initialize a collection of role: c.b.bean.jpa.PersonEntity.listsOfEmails, could not initialize proxy - no Session

How to make message flow transaction aware? Or I am missing somthing?

Following is code snippet,


@ComponentScan(basePackages={"integration.endpoint", "integration.sync"})
public class InfrastructureConfiguration {

    @Description("Entry to the messaging system through the gateway.")
    public MessageChannel requestChannel(){
        return pubSubChannel();

    @Description("Sends transformed message to outbound channel.")
    public MessageChannel invocationChannel(){
        return pubSubChannel();

    @Description("Sends handler message to aggregator channel.")
    public MessageChannel aggregatorChannel(){
        return pubSubChannel();

    @Description("Sends handler message to response channel.")
    public MessageChannel responseChannel(){
        return pubSubChannel();

    private PublishSubscribeChannel pubSubChannel() {
        PublishSubscribeChannel pubSub = new PublishSubscribeChannel(executor());
        return pubSub;

    private Executor executor() {
        return Executors.newFixedThreadPool(10);

Starting Gateway

@MessagingGateway(name="entryGateway", defaultRequestChannel="requestChannel")
public interface IntegrationService {
    String initiateSync(AnObject obj);

Message Builder: It transforms the message, by fetching an entity and set that as a property to message and message is send to the channel. Later this entity used by @Autowired serives in @ServiceActivator( 3 Endpoints). This Entity is lazily initialized for its associations.

public class MessageBuilder {
    private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(MessageBuilder.class);

    private ODao dao;

    @Transformer(inputChannel="requestChannel", outputChannel="invocationChannel")
    public OMessage buildMessage(Message<AnObject> msg){
        LOGGER.info("Transforming messages for ID [{}]", msg.getPayload().getId());
        OMessage om = new OMessage(msg.getPayload());
        return om;


public class Handler1 {
    private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(Handler1.class);

    private service1 Service1;

    @ServiceActivator(inputChannel="invocationChannel", outputChannel="aggregatorChannel")
    public ResponseMessage handle(Message<OMessage> msg) {
        OMessage om = msg.getPayload();
        ResponseMessage rm = null;
            LOGGER.info("Handler1 is called");
            rm = service1.getResponse(om);
            LOGGER.info("Handler1 is not called");
        return rm;


public class Handler2 {
    private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(Handler2.class);

    private service2 Service2;

    @ServiceActivator(inputChannel="invocationChannel", outputChannel="aggregatorChannel")
    public ResponseMessage handle(Message<OMessage> msg) {
        OMessage om = msg.getPayload();
        ResponseMessage rm = null;
            LOGGER.info("Handler2 is called");
            rm = service2.getResponse(om);
            LOGGER.info("Handler2 is not called");
        return rm;


public class Handler3 {
    private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(Handler3.class);

    private service3 Service3;

    @ServiceActivator(inputChannel="invocationChannel", outputChannel="aggregatorChannel")
    public ResponseMessage handle(Message<OMessage> msg) {
        OMessage om = msg.getPayload();
        ResponseMessage rm = null;
            LOGGER.info("Handler3 is called");
            rm = service3.getResponse(om);
            LOGGER.info("Handler3 is not called");
        return rm;


public class MessageAggregator {
    private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(MessageAggregator.class);

    @Aggregator(inputChannel="aggregatorChannel", outputChannel="responseChannel")
    public Response aggregate(List<ResponseMessage> resMsg){
        LOGGER.info("Aggregating Responses");
        Response res = new Response();
        return res;

    public boolean releaseChecker(List<Message<ResponseMessage>> resMsg) {
        return resMsg.size() ==3;

    public ResponseMessage corelateBy(ResponseMessage resMsg) {
        LOGGER.info("CorrelationStrategy: message payload details {}", resMsg);
        return resMsg;
Did you try to use @Transactional on methods where you are performing db related stuff?sol4me
Yes, but nothing changed.VirtualLogic
You want single transaction for entire message flow? And just to be sure you have transactionManager configured somewhere in your app?sol4me
Yes, a transactionManager is configured at DAO layer, I have the same question how can I make message flow transaction aware? Can you provide some code example?VirtualLogic

1 Answers


You might fetch reference to lazy loaded domain inside a dao layer. So when it will be used later, it will be instantiated properly without proxy. For example it might be like this snippet:

public List<PersonEntity> fetchPersonsWithMails() {
    return sessionFactory.getCurrentSession()
        .setFetchMode("listsOfEmails", FetchMode.JOIN)