I'm not an Ember expert but I think you can address your problem with a pure JS solution.
Given Ember Data queries return Promises, e.g. return this.store.findAll('blog-post'); // => Promise
, we can cache promises in a simple object with higher order functions (functions that return functions). The object cache could be replaced with localStorage
, sessionStorage
, Map
or even WeakMap
but I'm using the object cache to make things simple to understand.
What you want to essentially do is to replace following call:
return this.store.findAll('blog-post');
with something more or less like:
return cachedStore.findAll('blog-post');
actually, with the solution below it might look more like:
return cachedStore.call(this, 'findAll', 'blog-post');
As a result, you will request data once and always return from cache in subsequent calls.
Let me show you how the implementation might look like:
var cachedStore = (function () {
// Your cache - in this case simple object literal
var cache = {};
// Actual method that will check cache for results before trying to query services
return function (method) {
var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1);
var serializedArgs = JSON.stringify(args);
if (!(serializedArgs in cache)) {
cache[serializedArgs] = this.store[method].apply(this, args);
return cache[serializedArgs];
And here's a sample usage:
// Fires a request
cachedStore.call(this, 'findAll', 'blog-post');
// Returns from cache
cachedStore.call(this, 'findAll', 'blog-post');
// Returns from cache
cachedStore.call(this, 'findAll', 'blog-post');
// Fires a request
cachedStore.call(this, 'findRecord', 'blog-post', 123);
// Returns from cache
cachedStore.call(this, 'findRecord', 'blog-post', 123);
// Returns from cache
cachedStore.call(this, 'findRecord', 'blog-post', 123);
Does that help in any way?
hooks of the route, where I grab a reference to the controller and cache full records there. In my case I destroy them when I transition out, so you'd have to consider how to trigger a deferred cleanup. I believe it belongs in the route/controller, rather than the adapter which is more of a abstract/global thing. This way it's contained for the specific function (search). – aceofspades