I am working through Grey Hat Python by Justin Seitz and I can not get this example code to work. The program attaches to the process; however, when the module func_resolve()
is called kernel32.GetModuleHandleA()
returns NULL
. I am then unable to get the memory address of printf()
This is part of a debugger class:
def func_resolve(self,dll,function):
handle = kernel32.GetModuleHandleA(dll)
error = kernel32.GetLastError()
if handle == False:
print("kernel32.GetModuleHandleA() failed! Error: %d" % error)
address = kernel32.GetProcAddress(handle, function)
error = kernel32.GetLastError()
if address == False:
print("kernel32.GetProcAddress() failed! Error: %d" % error)
return address
Output of the error message:
kernel32.GetModuleHandleA() failed! Error: 126
The function call from my test harness:
printf_address = debugger.func_resolve("msvcrt.dll", "printf")
The printf loop I attach to for the test:
from ctypes import *
import time
msvcrt = cdll.msvcrt
counter = 0
while 1:
msvcrt.printf(b"Loop iteration: ")
msvcrt.printf("%d" % counter)
counter += 1
The problem is very similar to the one here but I am using Python3.4 not the books Python2.5, and my environment is windows XP in virtualbox. He was also trying to use 'msvcr100' and solved the problem by switching to 'msvcrt' which is what the book uses and I have been using.
The objective is to get the address of printf()
to set a breakpoint there and watch them as the program loops repetitively calling printf()
Edit: Using process explorer I have also just verified that msvcrt.dll is loaded by the process.