
I'm using Rails 4 and trying to display a currency and amount in my show page.

I have a model which has expenses, currency and participation_cost attributes. Expenses is a boolean. If true, then the currency and the expenses should be displayed.

If a project cost has participation expenses, I'd like to display the amount followed by the currency, as follows:

 <% if @project.scope.try(:participant).try(:expenses) == true %>
          <%=  "#{@project.scope.try(:participant).try(:participation_cost)} #{@project.scope.try(:participant).try(:currency)}" %>
         <% else %>
          <%= render :text => "Participants do not receive participation costs or payment" %>

However, the output of this is only the number for participant costs, without the currency indicator. The database has a currency stored.

Project model has:

class Project < ActiveRecord::Base

  include RoleModel
  # --------------- associations

  #belongs_to :students, through: :courses, counter_cache: true

  has_many :project_questions#, through: :projects
  has_many :project_answers#, through: :project_questions

  has_one :scope
  accepts_nested_attributes_for :scope
  has_one :educator_project_comment
  has_many :project_student_eois
  belongs_to :educator
  has_many :project_invitations

  has_many :observations

  has_one :approval
  belongs_to :industry

  has_and_belongs_to_many :users

  mount_uploader :hero_image, AvatarUploader
  mount_uploader :link_to_video_proposal, VideoUploader
  # --------------- scopes

Can anyone see what I've done wrong?

Thank you

Post your Project model.potashin
You seem to be calling the equivalent of participant.currency in #{@project.scope.try(:participant).try(:currency). Does each participant keep track of its own currency?fylooi
Hi Fylooi. I have attributes for both currency and amount_expenses in my participant model. Users select the currency and the cost of participation. I was trying to make a string to display the currency and the amount in the view.Mel

1 Answers


Rails provide helper to convert numbers to currency format. By default it assume currency is USD but you can customize it by passing parameters.


More details you can get from http://apidock.com/rails/ActionView/Helpers/NumberHelper/number_to_currency