
I have no problem retrieving price data of US stocks. For example, to retrieve Apple price data, this formula =GOOGLEFINANCE("AAPL","changepct")/100 works fine. When I tried to retrieve Tokyo stocks price data, this formula GOOGLEFINANCE("TYO:1969","changepct")/100 cannot work. Both formulas look similar. I cannot figure out why. Is it because Tokyo stocks are not supported by Google Finance?

=GOOGLEFINANCE("TYO","changepct")/100 seems to workLeo
Unfortunately, TYO is listed in the US exchange, not Tokyo.user781486
support.google.com/docs/answer/3093281?hl=en-US says "GOOGLEFINANCE is only available in English and does not support most international exchanges"Leo
Actually, it support most international exchanges so far except Tokyo so far from my experience. I was hoping I made some mistake.user781486
it's a shame, actually. I've heard that old google spreadsheets could support tokyo stocksLeo

1 Answers


Is it because Tokyo stocks are not supported by Google Finance?


Try and the error message presently includes:

When evaluating GOOGLEFINANCE, Google Spreadsheets is not authorised to access data for exchange: 'TYO'