I am looking for ElasticSearch nest query which will provide exact match on string having spaces in it using C#.
for example - I want to search for a word like 'XYZ Company Solutions'. I tried querystring query but it gives me all the records irrespective of search result. Also i read on the post and found that we have to add some mappings for the field. I tried 'Not_Analyzed' analyzer on the field but still it does not worked.
Here is my code of C#
var indexDefinition = new RootObjectMapping
Properties = new Dictionary<PropertyNameMarker, IElasticType>(),
Name = elastic_newindexname
var notAnalyzedField = new StringMapping
Index = FieldIndexOption.NotAnalyzed
indexDefinition.Properties.Add("Name", notAnalyzedField);
objElasticClient.DeleteIndex(d => d.Index(elastic_newindexname));
var reindex = objElasticClient.Reindex<dynamic>(r => r.FromIndex(elastic_oldindexname).ToIndex(elastic_newindexname).Query(q => q.MatchAll()).Scroll("10s").CreateIndex(i => i.AddMapping<dynamic>(m => m.InitializeUsing(indexDefinition))));
ReindexObserver<dynamic> o = new ReindexObserver<dynamic>(onError: e => { });
**ISearchResponse<dynamic> ivals = objElasticClient.Search<dynamic>(s => s.Index(elastic_newindexname).AllTypes().Query(q => q.Term("Name","XYZ Company Solutions")));** //this gives 0 records
**ISearchResponse<dynamic> ivals1 = objElasticClient.Search<dynamic>(s => s.Index(elastic_newindexname).AllTypes().Query(q => q.Term(u => u.OnField("Name").Value("XYZ Company Solutions"))));** //this gives 0 records
**ISearchResponse<dynamic> ivals = objElasticClient.Search<dynamic>(s => s.Index(elastic_newindexname).AllTypes().Query(@"Name = 'XYZ Company Solutions'"));** //this gives all records having fields value starting with "XYZ"
If anyone have complete example or steps in C# then can you please share with me?