
My memory store proxy has encoded data.

Does anymore know how user input typed into a combobox can be encoded to search against the memory proxy store.

The combobox uses typeahead and is editable.

My understanding is that typed user input into a combobox is handled as a string.

Fiddle example here


In my example, enter & to see the issue.

How is the value displayed in the ui? encoded?Yellen
The value is displayed decoded, it seems that the combobox decodes the encoded data.user3524762
Can you share some of the code to see?Yellen
Hi there Seram, I added a fiddle link to my post.user3524762
I got around this by overriding the localQuery and encoding the queryParm.user3524762

1 Answers


Got this working by creating an override for localQuery and encoding queryParam.