
This is my first question on stackoverflow. ( I know I struggled a lot with the quotes..) I am stuck with this problem where a snippet of the following code leaves me with the following error:

TypeError: Cannot read property 'goals' of undefined
at $scope.addValue.$modal.open.resolve.goals (app.js:59) at Object.invoke (angular.js:3762) at ui-bootstrap-tpls-0.12.1.js:2118 at Object.forEach (angular.js:329) at getResolvePromises (ui-bootstrap-tpls-0.12.1.js:2116) at Object.$modalProvider.$get.$modal.open (ui-bootstrap-tpls-0.12.1.js:2151) at Scope.$scope.addValue (app.js:53) at Parser.functionCall (angular.js:10294) at angular.js:18229 at Scope.$get.Scope.$eval (angular.js:12075)

'goals' in my code is the equivalent of 'items' in the 'inspired by" code.

This message seems to come from the ctrlAddValue controller which includes 'goals' reference: function($scope, $modalInstance, goals)

Thanks for any help!

THe culprit:

app.controller("ctrlCtx", function ($scope, $state, $stateParams, $modal,     $window) {

$scope.goals = "A good goal";

     $scope.addValue = function (size, $scope) {
        var modalInstance = $modal.open({
            templateUrl: 'templates/addValue.html',
            size: "lg",
            controller: "ctrlAddValue",
            resolve: {
                goals: function () {
                    return $scope.goals;
             function (selectedItem) {

              function () {

     }; });

This is the 'ctrlAddValue' controller code.

app.controller('ctrlAddValue', function ($scope, $state, $modalInstance, goals) {

$scope.addValue = function(){


$scope.cancel = function () {


This is based on the ui.bootstrap demo for modal.

Where is the ctrlAddValue?Fals
where code is inspired from is not relevant, where's the actual controller code? The other code looks like exact code from demos of angular-uicharlietfl
@Fals I just added ctrlAddValue.Eric
@charlietfl, I removed the demo code as suggested and added the controller code. Thank you.Eric

2 Answers

app.controller("ctrlCtx", function ($scope, $state, $stateParams, $modal,     $window) {

$scope.goals = "A good goal";

     $scope.addValue = function (size, $scope) {

you are passing $scope as a local parameter and probably calling this function like $scope.addValue(something); making the local $scope undefined.

remove the $scope parameter from your addValue function.


Set yout ctrlCtx to look like this:

 app.controller("ctrlCtx", function ($scope, $state, $stateParams, $modal,     $window) {

        $scope.goals = "A good goal";

             $scope.addValue = function () {
                var modalInstance = $modal.open({
                    templateUrl: 'templates/addValue.html',
                    size: "lg",
                    controller: "ctrlAddValue",
                    resolve: {
                        goals: function () {
                            return $scope.goals;


After that goals should be available in ctrlAddValue