Looking for Crystal Reports help! Crystal Reports 2013 SP5 V14.1.5.1501 Windows 7 pro environment.
I have table.date_field that is a date field formatted as such: xx/xx/xxxx. I'm putting it in a report that will be exported as a .csv so the field has to be 10 spaces which works fine if there is a date in table.date_field.
If table.date_field is null it returns ;; (.rpt has to be separated by semicolons).
I tried creating 2 formulas one I called @date_field_format and one I called @date_field_tweak.
@date_field_format has the following formula:
@date_field_tweak has the following formula:
if isnull ({@date_field_format}) then
Using @date_field_tweak on the .rpt returns: ;2//21//201;
Any suggestions on how to get table.date_field on a report formatted like this xx/xx/xxxx with 10 spaces inserted in place of the date if table.date.field isnull?