I have a question about conditional panel in shiny dashboard. Is there a possibility to make conditional panel with condition on menuItem
in sidebarMenu
? My goal is to obtain an additional selectInput
after click on menu tab title2
(but it should stay invisible for title1
I am doing something like follows
ui <- dashboardPage(
dashboardHeader(title = "Basic Dashboard"),
menuItem("tab title1", tabName = "name1", icon = icon("th")),
menuItem("tab title2", tabName = "name2", icon = icon("th"))
condition = "input.tabName == 'name2'",
selectInput("period", "Period:",
choices = list("Years" = 1, "Months" = 2))
In standard shiny
it could be done by add , value=1
to tab but here it doesn't work. Does anyone know any solution?
Thanks in advance :)