I'm trying to recursively print out all an objects properties and sub-type properties etc. My object model is as follows...
type suggestedFooWidget = {
value: float ;
hasIncreasedSinceLastPeriod: bool ;
type firmIdentifier = {
firmId: int ;
firmName: string ;
type authorIdentifier = {
authorId: int ;
authorName: string ;
firm: firmIdentifier ;
type denormalizedSuggestedFooWidgets = {
id: int ;
ticker: string ;
direction: string ;
author: authorIdentifier ;
totalAbsoluteWidget: suggestedFooWidget ;
totalSectorWidget: suggestedFooWidget ;
totalExchangeWidget: suggestedFooWidget ;
todaysAbsoluteWidget: suggestedFooWidget ;
msdAbsoluteWidget: suggestedFooWidget ;
msdSectorWidget: suggestedFooWidget ;
msdExchangeWidget: suggestedFooWidget ;
And my recursion is based on the following pattern matching...
let rec printObj (o : obj) (sb : StringBuilder) (depth : int)
let props = o.GetType().GetProperties()
let enumer = props.GetEnumerator()
while enumer.MoveNext() do
let currObj = (enumer.Current : obj)
ignore <|
match currObj with
| :? string as s -> sb.Append(s.ToString())
| :? bool as c -> sb.Append(c.ToString())
| :? int as i -> sb.Append(i.ToString())
| :? float as i -> sb.Append(i.ToString())
| _ -> printObj currObj sb (depth + 1)
In the debugger I see that currObj is of type string, int, float, etc but it always jumps to the defualt case at the bottom. Any idea why this is happening?