The Background
I'm building a project with SequelizeJS, a popular ORM for NodeJS. When designing a schema, there appears to be two tactics:
- Create model code and use the .sync() function to automatically generate tables for your models.
- Create model code and write manual migrations using QueryInterface and umzug.
My understanding is that #1 is better for rapid prototyping, but that #2 is a best practice for projects that are expected to evolve over time and where production data needs to be able to survive migrations.
This question pertains to tactic #2.
The Question(s)
My tables have relationships which must be reflected through foreign keys.
How do I create tables with foreign key relationships with one another through the Sequelize QueryInterface?
What columns and helper tables are required by Sequelize? For example, it appears that specific columns such as createdAt or updatedAt are expected.