
I'm stuck on a COM DLL registing successfully, but not showing up as COM reference in my Visual Studio.

I run regsvr32 (as admin) and get a "successfully registered" message. Also, I ran ILDASM against the DLL to make sure it's a COM DLL and not a .NET DLL. Also, I have legacy code using the DLL via COM, so I guess it's safe to assume the DLL is indeed a valid COM DLL.

However, after registering, the reference doesn't show up in Visual Studio ("Add reference"). Does anyone have any pointer where I could look to find out what's wrong?

There's no particular reason why this should work, use the owner's usage instructions. Using the Browse button and selecting the DLL could be your next guess.Hans Passant

1 Answers


Turns out I needed to add the VB6 runtime (msvbvm60.dll). After that, the registration was successful and I found the COM library in VS 2010. (credits to A reference to the dll could not be added)