
So I have two structs that work together. This is a game that works like a bubble pop game.

When a balloon pops in the grid I want to use flood fill to remove the balloons an then have it using a stack so I can undo the process later.

Are you asking about an undo stack or about floodfill? What attempts have you made? Presumably your unfortunate term pop is related to the balloon game, not to a stack. If so can I suggest using burst internally to the program?Weather Vane
Im asking about flood fill with the stack. Also my flood fill doesnt work for some reason. Also it should be balloon_popcode
As bb_pop appears to be your recursive function, you might want to past that as well.Michael Dorgan
Bb should be baloon sorry. I edited itcode
bb_pop/balloon_pop returns a total score or something else?Michael Dorgan

1 Answers


Used a pre-sized stack array to keep things simple. When you want your data back, just call pop_balloon until the stack is empty (use the function).

The following code is untested and pulled out of thin air, but it should show you want you need:

Balloon balloonStack[MAX_NUM_BALLOONS_POSSBILE];
int balloonStackIndex = 0;

bool balloonStackIsEmpty()
  return balloonStackIndex == 0;

void balloonPush(Balloon balloon)
  assert(balloonStackIndex &lt MAX_NUM_BALLOONS_POSSBILE);
  balloonStack[balloonStackIndex++] = balloon;

Balloon balloonPop()
  assert(balloonStackIndex > 0);
  return balloonStack[balloonStackIndex--]

int balloon_pop(BBoardPtr b, int r, int c) {

    if(b->board[r][c].color != None /*&& r >= 0 && c >= 0 && r rows && c cols*/) {
        return 0;

    b->board[r][c].color = None;
    b->board[r][c].is_popped = 1;