This Question is similar to how-to-find-the-actual-width-of-grid-component-with-scrollbar-in-delphi
but i couldn't get the CalcDrawInfo(DrawInfo); to work with a StringGrid
For example if you add a StringGrid and randomly set the RowCount and ColCount values at FormCreate
Can you get the actual size of this component so that if you set the Width and Height, the scrollbars would disappear and if your screen was big enough you could see all the StringGrid
Im guessing that in the case of a StringGrid you could calculate the width and height by looping through the columns getting the info and adding them up.
i was just wondering if its possible to hijack something that the scroll bar does to calculate its position so it knows what part of the component to paint,
or some Draw function that can return the full range of the component
if possible can you get a double click on the string grid calculating the actual height and width in the example below
Start a new Delphi VCL Forms Application
Copy below and paste into the main form
object strngrd1: TStringGrid
Left = 0
Top = 0
Width = 200
Height = 150
ColCount = 12
RowCount = 13
TabOrder = 0
OnDblClick = strngrd1DblClick
Hook up the FormCreate and StringGrid DblClick event
procedure TfrmMain.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
var i, iMax : Integer;
strngrd1.RowCount := Random(100);
strngrd1.ColCount := Random(100);
iMax := strngrd1.RowCount;
if strngrd1.ColCount > iMax then
iMax := strngrd1.ColCount;
for I := 0 to iMax -1 do begin
if i < strngrd1.RowCount then
strngrd1.Rows[i].Text := i.ToString;
if i < strngrd1.ColCount then
strngrd1.Cols[i].Text := i.ToString;
procedure TfrmMain.strngrd1DblClick(Sender: TObject);
var iActualWidth, iActualHeight : Integer;
sActualWidth, sActualHeight : String;
iActualWidth := 0;
iActualHeight := 0;
sActualWidth := '??';
sActualHeight := '??';
if iActualHeight > 0 then
sActualHeight := iActualHeight.ToString;
if iActualWidth > 0 then
sActualWidth := iActualWidth.ToString;
ShowMessage(strngrd1.ClassType.ClassName + #13#10 +
'Current Width = ' + strngrd1.Width.ToString + #13#10 +
'Current Height = ' + strngrd1.Height.ToString + #13#10 +
'Client Width = ' + strngrd1.ClientWidth.ToString + #13#10 +
'Client Height = ' + strngrd1.ClientHeight.ToString + #13#10 +
'Actual Width = ' + sActualWidth + #13#10 +
'Actual Height = ' + sActualHeight + #13#10 );
get the double click returning the actual range of the component so that if the width and height was reset the scroll bars are no longer visible