
I'm trying to build a constraint matrix that I'm going to use with linprog, and I'm struggling to build it efficiently without using for loops. Here is an example of what I'm trying to achieve:

A = zeros(3, 3); % Constraint matrix
i = [1 3]; % row indexes
j = [1 2 ; 1 3]; % column indexes
x = [1 2 ; 3 4]; % values to assign

Expected result after assignment:

A = [1 2 0 ; 0 0 0 ; 3 0 4]

I want to perform the following operations:

A(i(1), j(1,:)) = x(1,:)
A(i(2), j(2,:)) = x(2,:)

For now, I'm using a for loop:

for k=1:length(i)
    A(i(k), j(k,:)) = x(k,:);

Is there any better way to do this for any i and j? I could use a for loop everywhere, but the number of constraint depends on the number of variables, so my code gets filled with for-loops. What's the standard way of defining the constraint matrix to use with linprog?


3 Answers


What you are looking for is the sub2ind function. Here's how you would improve your matrix creations:

>> indx = sub2ind(size(A),[1 3 1 3]',j(:))
indx =


>> A(indx)=x(:)
A =

   1   2   0
   0   0   0
   3   0   4

Note that you would have to tweak your i definition a little bit so i and j have the same number of elements.


One vectorized approach with bsxfun -

A(bsxfun(@plus,ii(:),(jj-1)*size(A,1))) = x

You need the expansion with bsxfun as the number of row indices don't match up with the number of column indices.

Also, please note that I have replaced the variable names i with ii and j with jj as i and j are also used with complex numbers, as that might cause some conflict otherwise.

Sample run -

>> ii(:)    %// Row indices
ans =
>> jj       %// Column indices
jj =
     1     2     4
     1     3     5
>> x        %// Values to assign
x =
     1     2     6
     3     4     8
>> A        %// Output
A =
     1     2     0     6     0
     0     0     0     0     0
     3     0     4     0     8

It has two benefits:

  1. Avoiding the call to sub2ind with a raw-version of it, for being more efficient with runtime.

  2. The expansion being done internally without using any loop or repmat saves looping or another function call respectively.


Here's another way, making use of sparse:

A = full(sparse(repmat(ii,size(jj,1),1).', jj ,x));

I'm using ii and jj as variable names instead of i and j, as in Divakar's answer.