
I am starting out with Ember. I installed as per the documentation. When I go to http://my-app:4200 I get 'My Application' to show. However, when I go to http://my-app:4200/boxes the view doesn't show the contents of the boxes.hbs template ("Hello there from the boxes template!") - any ideas why not (files below)?


    import Ember from 'ember';
    import config from './config/environment';

    var Router = Ember.Router.extend({
      location: config.locationType

    export default Ember.Router.extend().map(function(){


    Router.map(function() {
      this.route('boxes', { path: '/boxes' });


export default Ember.Route.extend({
  setupController: function(controller) {
    controller.set('title', "My Application");

app/templates/application.hbs :

<div class="main">

app/templates/boxes.hbs :

<p>Hello there from the boxes template!</p>

1 Answers


Your problem is likely that your location type is wrong. Look here for the difference. Ember CLI defaults to auto for the routing setting, which usually falls back to hash-based routing as it's the most compatible across browsers. This means that Ember is expecting you to go to #/boxes not /boxes. So you can either put the hash in the URL when typing out the URL manually, or just change the locationType to history in your config/environment.js file. (Note that history-based routing doesn't work in IE <10.)