Let's assume my table looks like:
Code |StartDate |EndDate |Additional Attributes...
ABC |11-24-2015 |11-26-2015 | ....
ABC |12-12-2015 |12-15-2015 | ....
ABC |10-05-2015 |10-10-2015 | ....
PQR |03-24-2015 |03-27-2015 | ....
PQR |05-04-2015 |05-08-2015 | ....
Provided a Code (c) and a date range (x, y), I need to be able to query items something like:
Query => (Code = c) AND ((StartDate BETWEEN x AND y) OR (EndDate BETWEEN x AND y))
I was planning to use a Primary Key as a Hash and Range Key (Code, StartDate) with an additional LSI (EndDate) and do a query on it.
I am not sure if there is a way to achieve this. I don't want to use the SCAN
operation as it seems to scan the entire table which could be very costly.
Also, would like to achieve this in a single query.
? There are much better ways to store unambiguous dates, as05-04-2015
can be interpreted asMay 04th 2015
orApril 5th 2015
. – mkobit