I've created an FFT class/object that takes signal stored in a 2D array and produces the subsequent FFT of its input, before printing it to a matplotlib graph.
After a great deal of reading, I appreciate that due to windowing, the need to have an ideally 2^x number of points and an integer number of cycles in the data set, that the amplitude of the peaks will never be 100% accurate (but will be approximately right).
However, when I add a DC offset to the signal, for some reason, the 0 Hz frequency has a peak that is always exactly double the actual DC/constant offset! For example, if I add 2 to a sine wave of x Hz, I get a peak at x Hz on the FFT, and a peak of 4 at 0.
Why is this - and can I correct this?
The code I am using is below:
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
class FFT:
def __init__(self, time, signal, buff=1, scaling=2, centre=False):
self.signal = signal
self.buff = buff
self.time = time
self.scaling = scaling
self.centre = centre
if (centre):
self.scaling = 1
def fft(self):
self.Y = np.fft.fft(self.signal, self.buff * len(self.signal)) # Do fft on signal and store
if (self.centre is True):
self.Y = np.fft.fftshift(self.Y) # centre 0 frequency in centre
def __graph__(self):
self.N = len(self.Y) / self.scaling # get FFT length (halved to avoid reflection)
print (self.N)
self.fa = 1 / (self.time[1] - self.time[0]) # get time interval & sampling frequency of FFT
if (self.centre is True):
self.t_axis = np.linspace(-self.fa / 2 * self.scaling, self.fa / 2 * self.scaling, self.N, endpoint=True) # create x axis vector from 0 to nyquist freq. (fa/2) with N values
self.t_axis = np.linspace(0, self.fa / self.scaling, self.N, endpoint=True) # create x axis vector from 0 to nyquist freq. (fa/2) with N values
def show(self, absolute=True):
if absolute:
plt.plot(self.t_axis, ((2.0) * self.buff / (self.N * (self.scaling))) * np.abs(self.Y[0:self.N]))
plt.plot(self.t_axis, ((2.0) * self.buff / (self.Ns * (self.scaling))) * self.Y[0:self.N]) # multiply y axis by 2/N to get actual values
def sineExample(start=0, dur=128, samples=16384):
t = np.linspace(start, dur + start, samples, True)
f = 10.0 # Frequency in Hz
A = 10.0 # Amplitude in Unit
retarr = np.zeros(len(t))
retarr = np.column_stack((t, retarr))
for row in range(len(retarr)):
retarr[row][1] = A * np.sin(2 * np.pi * f * retarr[row][0]) + 2 # Signal
return retarr
hTArray = sineExample()
# plt.plot(hTArray[:,0], hTArray[:,1])
# plt.grid()
# plt.show()
myFFT = FFT(hTArray[:, 0], hTArray[:, 1], scaling=2,centre=False)
np.fft.fft(hTArray[:, 1])
for your signal? I would say that your factor((2.0) * self.buff / (self.N * (self.scaling)))
must be wrong if you are not getting the correct amplitude of the DC component. – rth