

In my wordpress site I have a Category called “meetings”, and it’s slug is “meeting”, also its ID is 27.

I create a default post article and then select “Meeting” from the categories panel and then publish etc.

Reading here http://codex.wordpress.org/Template_Hierarchy#Custom_Taxonomies_display

If I create a template file called category-meetings.php or category-27.php then it should pick those files up and use them for a template layout for my selected Meeting category posts etc???

But for whatever reason I can not get it to do this.

I have also tried changing the permalinks settings from “post name” to custom structre with /%category%/%postname%/

but again no luck.

Am I missing something here?

Any help would be great!


2 Answers


I think you're trying to target a single post, whereas your template is targeting the category archive pages. For example, look at this diagram of the template hierarchy.

You could: 1) Create that post as a page and then create a template just for that page. 2) Create a custom post type and create a custom template for that custom post type.


The naming has to match your slug. I would change




And make sure the category-customname.php files are in the same directory as the default category.php file.


For a custom page for a single post -- find the post number, let's say 999, then create a single page with the past number appended to the file name in the same directory where the single.php file exists. This worked up to WP ver 3.2-ish. Unless it's been deprecated, it should still work.
