We are performing a series of different SPARQL queries on a database containing ~5 million triples.
Our queries often cause a XDMP-MEMCANCELED-error though not consistently, they mostly return a correct result within a few seconds or less. Some queries occationally seems to hang and cause the server to run at 100% CPU until the query times out.
We have tried increasing what memory-related settings we could find. This query runs fine on other triple stores/engines.
We are running MarkLogic 8.0-11 AWS instance with 8 gb of internal memory and 16 gb of swap space.
Example of a fairly straightforward query that sometimes causes the error:
PREFIX xsd: <http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#>
PREFIX t5_m: <http://url.com/T5/model#>
PREFIX t5_d: <http://url.com/T5/data#>
( ?_err as ?_reason )
BIND ( 3 as ?_severity)
BIND ( "Generated by HL7 v2 Conformance Profile of IHE PCD-01 message" as ?_comment )
FILTER( ?_app_id = 'APP_ID')
FILTER ( ?_ts >= '2015-04-21T09:04:07.871' )
FILTER ( ?_ts <= '2015-04-21T09:07:43.973' )
?ACK t5_m:hasMSH ?MSH .
?MSH t5_m:hasMSH.5 ?MSH_5 .
?MSH_5 t5_m:hasHD.1 ?HD_1 .
?HD_1 t5_m:hD.1Value ?_app_id .
?ACK t5_m:hasMSA ?MSA .
?MSA t5_m:hasMSA.2 ?MSA_2 .
?MSA_2 t5_m:mSA.2Value ?_msg_id .
?PCD_01_Message a t5_m:PCD_01_Message .
?PCD_01_Message t5_m:id ?_msg_id .
?PCD_01_Message t5_m:timeStamp ?_ts .
?ACK t5_m:hasERR ?ERR .
?ERR t5_m:hasERR.7 ?ERR_7 .
?ERR_7 t5_m:eRR.7Value ?_err .
Is there some relevant configuration settings that we have missed or is there something wrong with this query?
Yours truly, Alexander