I create NSValue objects from SCNVector3 structs.
NSValue *value = [NSValue valueWithSCNVector3:vector]
After that I add them to dictionary. Whenever I try to access value from dictionary app crashes, but only in release mode. Trivial stuff looks all right.
When I replace NSValue with custom object, everything works just fine. (exactly same code)
(I replaced project name and method calls with xxx)
+ (NSDictionary *)methodA:(NSArray *)nodes {
NSMutableDictionary *nodeBounds = [NSMutableDictionary dictionary];
for (SCNNode *node in nodes) {
SCNVector3 vector = [node boundingBoxMax];
NSValue *value = [NSValue valueWithSCNVector3:vector];
nodeBounds[node.name] = value;
NSArray *array = [self sortDictionaryKeysWithVector3:nodeBounds];
return [nodeBounds copy];
+ (NSArray *)sortDictionaryKeysWithVector3:(NSDictionary *)vectors {
NSArray *keysSortedByValue = [vectors keysSortedByValueUsingComparator:^NSComparisonResult(NSValue *vectorValue1, NSValue *vectorValue2) {
SCNVector3 vector1 = [vectorValue1 SCNVector3Value];
SCNVector3 vector2 = [vectorValue2 SCNVector3Value];
return (NSComparisonResult)NSOrderedSame;
return keysSortedByValue;
Stack trace:
* thread #1: tid = 0x814ff, 0x2fe336b8 libobjc.A.dylib`objc_retain + 8, queue = 'com.apple.main-thread', stop reason = EXC_BAD_ACCESS (code=1, address=0xb39cefb2)
frame #0: 0x2fe336b8 libobjc.A.dylib`objc_retain + 8
frame #1: 0x000795c6 xxx`__46+[xxx sortDictionaryKeysWithVector3:]_block_invoke(.block_descriptor=<unavailable>, vectorValue1=<unavailable>, vectorValue2=<unavailable>) + 22 at xxx.m:138
frame #2: 0x21b336e6 CoreFoundation`__CFSimpleMergeSort + 290
frame #3: 0x21b3365a CoreFoundation`__CFSimpleMergeSort + 150
frame #4: 0x21b3365a CoreFoundation`__CFSimpleMergeSort + 150
frame #5: 0x21b3365a CoreFoundation`__CFSimpleMergeSort + 150
frame #6: 0x21b3365a CoreFoundation`__CFSimpleMergeSort + 150
frame #7: 0x21b3365a CoreFoundation`__CFSimpleMergeSort + 150
frame #8: 0x21a82e0a CoreFoundation`CFSortIndexes + 410
* frame #9: 0x21aea2d6 CoreFoundation`-[NSDictionary keysSortedByValueWithOptions:usingComparator:] + 366
frame #10: 0x00079528 xxx`+[xxx methodA:](self=<unavailable>, _cmd=<unavailable>, nodes=<unavailable>) + 504 at xxx:130
method shouldn't even compile. The comparison block is never closed (and doesn't return the sort result) and there is no ending square bracket. – David Rönnqvist