
I am new to backgrid (and stackoverflow) and I am curious if there is any column chooser for backgrid so that user can choose what columns are to be visible in my grid.

I know there is one for jqgrid which can be seen in action here:


If there isn't any for backgrid, any ideas on how to implement this without reloading the grid again?

One way it could be done but it requires a reload of grid like so,

make the columns :renderable option as false , and not show the columns on initial load. User selects the columns which he wants to see , then reload the Grid with new column attributes for the selected columns with renderable:true like so:

var grid = new Backgrid.Grid(columns: new Columns([{..renderable:true}, {...}], {

But as you can see , I will be reloading the entire grid with the new columns though we already have this data in the DOM. I am looking forward to any ideas where in we can implement this without new Grid call

Backgrid and jqGrid are absolutely separate products. Which one you want to use?Oleg
I need one for backgrid . I gave jqgrid column chooser as an example on what the requirement isvgodly

1 Answers


If anyone is looking for the similar sort of implementation - they can look at https://github.com/WRidder/Backgrid.ColumnManager