
I need to create a filter in Performance point Dashboard to get only non empty values. I am trying to write a MDX Query for selecting the values

SELECT NONEMPTY{[H School ].[Dist Name], [H School ].[School Name]}

FROM  [Early Cube ]

but it is not filtering the data

This is a good initial resource for trivial mdx: msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms145506.aspxwhytheq

2 Answers


You need to check for non-empty cells against some measure. In other words, the dimension members need to be empty or non-empty against 'some set', such as a measure. There are two ways of doing this depending on whether you want your measures to be shown in your result.

  1. NON EMPTY clause in SELECT:

    It displays cells obtained from intersection between measures on one axis and dimension members on the other axis, thereby eliminating the (null) values.

    {[Measures].[Customer Count]} ON 0,
    /*NON EMPTY clause against Dimension members*/
    NON EMPTY {[Customer].[Customer Geography].[City]} ON 1 
    FROM [Adventure Works];
  2. NONEMPTY() function:

    Returns the set of tuples that are not empty from a specified set, based on the cross product of the specified set with a second set.

    {} ON 0,
    NONEMPTY([Customer].[Customer Geography].[City], [Measures].[Customer Count]) ON 1 
    FROM [Adventure Works]

More detailed difference between these two approaches can be found here and here.


Here in the query:

SELECT NONEMPTY([H School ].[Dist Name], [H School ].[School Name])

FROM  [Early Cube ]

Can you rewrite this as:

SELECT NONEMPTY([H School ].[Dist Name]*[H School ].[School Name], <<add your measure/context here if you do not want to use the default measure>>)

FROM  [Early Cube ]