The SQL statement below inserts values into a new table, in a new sheet (TempPoints). If I remove the last part of the statement (in bold) the query runs OK however when I add it back in to the statement I receive the following error message; '[ODBC EXCEL Driver] Data Type Mismatch in criteria'.
I have replicated the tables and query in SQLServer and it runs OK and as expected which proves the full statement is OK. Is this a limitation of the Excel ODBC driver??
Thank you in advance.
strSQL = "INSERT INTO [TempPoints$] (REFP, PointItemRef, LoadItemRef, PointDES, Iotype, Subtype, Notes) " & _
"SELECT " & tempref & ", [PointsDB$].ItemRef, [LoadstoPointsDB$].LoadRef, [PointsDB$].PointDES, [PointsDB$].Iotype, [PointsDB$].Subtype, [PointsDB$].Notes " & _
"FROM [LoadsToPointsDB$] INNER JOIN [PointsDB$] ON [LoadsToPointsDB$].PointRef = [PointsDB$].ItemRef " & _
"WHERE [LoadsToPointsDB$].LoadRef = " & moditemref & " AND [PointsDB$].SystemComp = 'Y' " & _
**"AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM [TempPoints$] WHERE [TempPoints$].PointItemRef = [PointsDB$].ItemRef)"**