For more than a week I've been struggling with trying to create custom Elysia cron jobs for different feeds defined in Feed Import module.
I want to import data from feed AAA daily and data from feed BBB once a week. So two (or more if needed) separate tasks, that need be executed on different schedules. I have researched and combination of Elysia cron and Feed Import module seems to be the answer.
I have created two different feeds in Feed Import module. When I execute them manually from Feed Import everything works fine. When I run feed_import_base_cron task from Cron, it also works, but executes both feeds at the same time.
Problem starts when I want to define specific execution times for each feed. I have found a suggestion here: But can't make it work and don't know what I'm doing wrong, as php and drupal module development are not my strengths.
I have included code from above url in Feed Import module (feed_import_base.module). I'm not 100% sure if that's the correct place, but it kinda seems to work, as the feeds I define in code, appear in Cron tasks in administrative UI. But when I try to execute them, it results with an error, which can be seen in recent log messages:
Exception: exception 'Exception' with message 'Download of failed with code -1002.' in
pathToMySite../drupal/sites/all/modules/feeds/plugins/ Stack trace: #0
pathToMySite../drupal/sites/all/modules/feeds/plugins/ FeedsHTTPFetcherResult->getRaw() #1
pathToMySite../drupal/sites/all/modules/feeds/includes/ FeedsSyndicationParser->parse(Object(FeedsSource), Object(FeedsHTTPFetcherResult)) #2
pathToMySite../drupal/sites/all/modules/feed_import/feed_import_base/feed_import_base.module(622): FeedsSource->import() #3
[internal function]: feed_import_base_fetch_test_api_feed_raw_cron(Array) #4
pathToMySite../drupal/sites/all/modules/elysia_cron/elysia_cron.module(1090): call_user_func_array('feed_import_bas...', Array) #5
pathToMySite../drupal/sites/all/modules/elysia_cron/ elysia_cron_execute('fetch_test_api_...') #6
[internal function]: elysia_cron_execute_page('fetch_test_api_...') #7
pathToMySite../drupal/includes/ call_user_func_array('elysia_cron_exe...', Array) #8
pathToMySite../drupal/index.php(21): menu_execute_active_handler() #9 {main}
The actual code I use is:
function feed_import_base_cronapi($op, $job = NULL) {
$items['fetch_test_api_feed_raw_cron'] = array(
'description' => 'Fetch test API feed RAW',
'rule' => '*/10 * * * *', // Every 10 minutes
'callback' => 'feed_import_base_fetch_test_api_feed_raw_cron' ,
'arguments' => array(array('test_api_feed_raw'))
return $items;
function feed_import_base_fetch_test_api_feed_raw_cron($feednames){
if (function_exists('feeds_source')){
foreach($feednames as $feedname){
$source = feeds_source($feedname);
I really don't know what I'm missing or doing wrong and starting to run out of options what to look for.