
I'm a Drupal newbie plus I don't have much experience updating code, styles, and scripts in an open-source project. I've inherited a site running Drupal 5.16.

In Drupal, I have created a page that is not published. The main content node has a node-unpublished class which is defined in /modules/node/node.css. This class has styling that makes viewing the unpublished page unreasonably hard do to the theme of the site. I believe that the node.css file should not be touched since it is part of the Drupal core.

What is the proper way to over-ride the style a css class within the Drupal core?

I assume it would be to over-ride it in the theme's css, but I want to double check that I'm conforming to open-source conventions.



2 Answers


Overriding in the theme's CSS is a common approach. Another option is Stylestripper, which lets you disable whole core stylesheets.


Any rule that is specified after that rule (and that conflicts with it), will override it.

If you cant to leave the core files untouched, you can create a "Customizations.css" file, and just write your own rules from there.

Note that it will only override the attributes you explicitly assign new values. So unless a given attribute is overridden, it'll keep that attribute from the prior rule.

.node-unpublished { color: red; background-color: black; }
.node-unpublished { color: black; }

The result of the above will be black text upon black background...