
I want to download a excel file from my angularJs code. Where i made a http post request to Java Rest API and returned the file with header "Content-Disposition" : "attachment; filename=\"new_excel_file.xlsx\""

Java Code

public Response getResultsReport(@HeaderParam(Constants.ID) Long userId, @QueryParam(Constants.COMPANY_TREK_ID) Integer companyTrekId) {
String CONTENT_DESPOSITION = "Content-Disposition";
String CONTENT_ATTACHEMENT = "attachment; filename=\"new_excel_file.xlsx\"";

//Generates a excel file in local file system
File excelFile = misHelper.writeToFile(workBook, mis, userId, "trek-results");

return Response.ok().entity((Object)excelFile).


On Javascript Side

myService.exportResult($scope.companyTrek.id).then(function(result) {
  if(result !== undefined || result !== '') {
    var blob = new Blob([result], {
      type: 'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet'
    var objectUrl = URL.createObjectURL(blob);
    saveAs(blob, 'Trek-Results-'+fetchCurrentDate()+ '.xlsx');

Used FileSaver.js to save file.

The output file is [Object, Object]

Tested The locally generated file.

Here is a similar question for reference that didn't help me.

receive an excel file as response in javascript from a Rest service

You need to be more specific, clarifying what the problem is for people to help you. Can you re-edit your question and append output errors?JGFMK

1 Answers


I just noticed the Mime types are different on Java server vs Angular client.
This link shows the different MIME types related to spreadsheets.
Try making them consistent and seeing if that fixed it.
There was also this way without mishelper.