This question comes up all the time.
One suggestion is to create a data container singleton: An object that gets created once and only once in the life of your application, and persists for the life of your app.
This approach is well suited for a situation when you have global app data that needs to be available/modifiable across different classes in your app.
Other approaches like setting up one-way or 2-way links between view controllers are better suited to situations where you are passing information/messages directly between view controllers.
(See nhgrif's answer, below, for other alternatives.)
With a data container singleton, you add a property to your class that stores a reference to your singleton, and then use that property any time you need access.
You can set up your singleton so that it saves it's contents to disk so that your app state persists between launches.
I created a demo project on GitHub demonstrating how you can do this. Here is the link:
SwiftDataContainerSingleton project on GitHub
Here is the README from that project:
A demonstration of using a data container singleton to save application state and share it between objects.
The DataContainerSingleton
class is the actual singleton.
It uses a static constant sharedDataContainer
to save a reference to the singleton.
To access the singleton, use the syntax
The sample project defines 3 properties in the data container:
var someString: String?
var someOtherString: String?
var someInt: Int?
To load the someInt
property from the data container, you'd use code like this:
let theInt = DataContainerSingleton.sharedDataContainer.someInt
To save a value to someInt, you'd use the syntax:
DataContainerSingleton.sharedDataContainer.someInt = 3
The DataContainerSingleton's init
method adds an observer for the UIApplicationDidEnterBackgroundNotification
. That code looks like this:
goToBackgroundObserver = NSNotificationCenter.defaultCenter().addObserverForName(
object: nil,
queue: nil)
(note: NSNotification!) -> Void in
let defaults = NSUserDefaults.standardUserDefaults()
defaults.setObject( self.someString, forKey: DefaultsKeys.someString)
defaults.setObject( self.someOtherString, forKey: DefaultsKeys.someOtherString)
defaults.setObject( self.someInt, forKey: DefaultsKeys.someInt)
In the observer code it saves the data container's properties to NSUserDefaults
. You can also use NSCoding
, Core Data, or various other methods for saving state data.
The DataContainerSingleton's init
method also tries to load saved values for it's properties.
That portion of the init method looks like this:
let defaults = NSUserDefaults.standardUserDefaults()
someString = defaults.objectForKey(DefaultsKeys.someString) as! String?
someOtherString = defaults.objectForKey(DefaultsKeys.someOtherString) as! String?
someInt = defaults.objectForKey(DefaultsKeys.someInt) as! Int?
The keys for loading and saving values into NSUserDefaults are stored as string constants that are part of a struct DefaultsKeys
, defined like this:
struct DefaultsKeys
static let someString = "someString"
static let someOtherString = "someOtherString"
static let someInt = "someInt"
You reference one of these constants like this:
Using the data container singleton:
This sample application makes trival use of the data container singleton.
There are two view controllers. The first is a custom subclass of UIViewController ViewController
, and the second one is a custom subclass of UIViewController SecondVC
Both view controllers have a text field on them, and both load a value from the data container singlelton's someInt
property into the text field in their viewWillAppear
method, and both save the current value from the text field back into the `someInt' of the data container.
The code to load the value into the text field is in the viewWillAppear:
override func viewWillAppear(animated: Bool)
let value = DataContainerSingleton.sharedDataContainer.someInt ?? 0
textField.text = "\(value)"
The code to save the user-edited value back to the data container is in the view controllers' textFieldShouldEndEditing
func textFieldShouldEndEditing(textField: UITextField) -> Bool
DataContainerSingleton.sharedDataContainer.someInt = textField.text!.toInt()
return true
You should load values into your user interface in viewWillAppear rather than viewDidLoad so that your UI updates each time the view controller is displayed.