R 3.1.2/ggplot2_1.0.0/Windows7
How can one add 2 vertical lines with legends in a faceted graph without them changing the linetype? In the following example i can't get the legends to appear as I would imagine them to (two solid lines and a adecuate legend) from the code I'm writing. A reproducible example:
pm <- data.frame(pm10=rnorm(400, 150, 50), estacion=gl(4,100, labels = c('sur', 'norte', 'este', 'oeste'))) # data
curtosis <- ddply(pm, .(estacion), function(val) sprintf("curtosis==%.2f", kurtosis(val$pm10)))
asimetria <- ddply(pm, .(estacion), function(val) sprintf("asimetrĂa==%.2f", skewness(val$pm10)))
p1 <- ggplot(data=pm, aes(x=pm10, y=..density..)) +
geom_histogram(bin=15, fill='#deebf7', colour='#bdbdbd')+
geom_density(size=1, colour='#cccccc')+
geom_vline(data=aggregate(pm[1], pm[2], quantile, .8), mapping=aes(xintercept=pm10, linetype='percentil .8'), size=1, colour='#dfc27d', show_guide = T)+
geom_vline(data=aggregate(pm[1], pm[2], median), mapping=aes(xintercept=pm10, linetype='mediana'), size=1, colour='#80cdc1', show_guide = T)+
geom_text(data=curtosis, aes(x=350, y=.010, label=V1), size=3, parse=T)+
geom_text(data=asimetria, aes(x=350, y=.008, label=V1), size=3, parse=T)+
guides(linetype=guide_legend(override.aes=list(colour = c("#dfc27d","#80cdc1"))))+
facet_wrap(~ estacion, ncol=2)
I want the lines to be solid (color is ok) and the legend's title to say: "Medida de tendencia".