Hi I have a Spark cluster in standalone mode, i.e., I have one Spark-master process and three Spark-slave processes running in my laptop (Spark cluster in the same one machine).
Starting master and slaves is just to run the scripts in Spark_Folder/sbin/start-master.sh, and Spark_Folder/sbin/stop-master.sh.
However, when I run the Spark_Folder/sbin/stop-all.sh, it is only stopping one master and one salves, since I have three slaves running, after running stop-all.sh I still have two slaves running.
I dig into the script "stop-slaves.sh" and found below:
if [ "$SPARK_WORKER_INSTANCES" = "" ]; then
"$sbin"/spark-daemons.sh stop org.apache.spark.deploy.worker.Worker 1
for ((i=0; i<$SPARK_WORKER_INSTANCES; i++)); do
"$sbin"/spark-daemons.sh stop org.apache.spark.deploy.worker.Worker $(( $i + 1 ))
It seems that this script is stopping based on "SPARK_WORKER_INSTANCES" number. But what if I start a slave using a non-number name?
And any idea to shut down the whole spark cluster by one click? (I know to run "pkill -f spark*" will work though)
Thanks a lot.