I have been looking everywhere for some sample code on how to encrypt a simple string with the encryption in the title using the Bouncy Castle Framework.
This code will run on a Windows Universal project. My previous attempts to encrypt using the build in API's failed to decrypt on the server.
I tried this: which gives me a string like:
s = String.Format("{0}_{1}", s, DateTime.Now.ToString("ddMMyyyyHmmss"));
SymmetricKeyAlgorithmProvider algorithm = SymmetricKeyAlgorithmProvider.OpenAlgorithm(SymmetricAlgorithmNames.AesCbcPkcs7);
IBuffer keymaterial = CryptographicBuffer.ConvertStringToBinary("[Key]", BinaryStringEncoding.Utf8);
CryptographicKey KEY = algorithm.CreateSymmetricKey(keymaterial);
IBuffer IV = CryptographicBuffer.ConvertStringToBinary("[IV]", BinaryStringEncoding.Utf8);
IBuffer data = CryptographicBuffer.ConvertStringToBinary(s, BinaryStringEncoding.Utf8);
IBuffer output = CryptographicEngine.Encrypt(KEY, data, IV);
return CryptographicBuffer.EncodeToBase64String(output);
The server does encryption/decryption with
public static string Encrypt(string text, byte[] key, byte[] iv, int keysize = 128, int blocksize = 128, CipherMode cipher = CipherMode.CBC, PaddingMode padding = PaddingMode.PKCS7)
AesCryptoServiceProvider aes = new AesCryptoServiceProvider();
aes.BlockSize = blocksize;
aes.KeySize = keysize;
aes.Mode = cipher;
aes.Padding = padding;
byte[] src = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(text);
using (ICryptoTransform encrypt = aes.CreateEncryptor(key, iv))
byte[] dest = encrypt.TransformFinalBlock(src, 0, src.Length);
return Convert.ToBase64String(dest);
public static string Decrypt(string text, byte[] key, byte[] iv, int keysize = 128, int blocksize = 128, CipherMode cipher = CipherMode.CBC, PaddingMode padding = PaddingMode.PKCS7)
AesCryptoServiceProvider aes = new AesCryptoServiceProvider();
aes.BlockSize = blocksize;
aes.KeySize = keysize;
aes.Mode = cipher;
aes.Padding = padding;
byte[] src = Convert.FromBase64String(text);
using (ICryptoTransform decrypt = aes.CreateDecryptor(key, iv))
byte[] dest = decrypt.TransformFinalBlock(src, 0, src.Length);
return Encoding.UTF8.GetString(dest); //Padding is invalid and cannot be removed.
But it fails becasue:
Padding is invalid and cannot be removed.
That's why I want to try Bouncy Castle, but I can't find any suitable example code.
I tried using Bouncy Castle with the code provided in the answer. Now I'm getting the error:
initialisation vector must be the same length as block size
byte[] inputBytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(s);
//Set up
AesEngine engine = new AesEngine();
CbcBlockCipher blockCipher = new CbcBlockCipher(engine);
PaddedBufferedBlockCipher cipher = new PaddedBufferedBlockCipher(blockCipher, new Pkcs7Padding());
Debug.WriteLine(IV.Length); //32
Debug.WriteLine(cipher.GetBlockSize()); //16
KeyParameter keyParam = new KeyParameter(key);
ParametersWithIV keyParamWithIv = new ParametersWithIV(keyParam, IV);
cipher.Init(true, keyParamWithIv); //Error Message thrown
byte[] outputBytes = new byte[cipher.GetOutputSize(inputBytes.Length)]; //cip
int length = cipher.ProcessBytes(inputBytes, outputBytes, 0);
cipher.DoFinal(outputBytes, length); //Do the final block
string encryptedInput = Convert.ToBase64String(outputBytes);
The length on the server is 128. How can I force it to be equal and same length?