I am trying to route a subdomain to a specific bundle in Symfony2. Here's what I've got:
I added local domains to my hosts: todolist.lc manager.todolist.lc
I created a virtual host that forwards all subdomains to my Symfony installation:
ServerName todolist.lc
ServerAlias *.todolist.lc
DirectoryIndex app_dev.php
DocumentRoot "C:\xampp\htdocs\todolist\web"
I created a new Bundle to handle the subdomain manager.todolist.lc:
Now I am trying to set up the route to manager.todolist.lc:
resource: "@FrontendBundle/Controller/"
type: annotation
prefix: /
resource: "@BackendBundle/Controller/"
type: annotation
prefix: /api
host: manager.todolist.lc
resource: "@ManagerBundle/Controller/"
type: annotation
prefix: /
Now after I added the manager route I get a FileLoaderImportCircularReferenceException on every route there is.
I also tried to use a prefix, but this also gives the Exception:
resource: "@ManagerBundle/Controller/"
type: annotation
prefix: /manager
I can't figure out what I am missing. What am I doing wrong? If you need any more info, just ask for it in the comments and I'll provide it.