
In my window, there is a Grid that takes up 100% of the available vertical space. Inside that Grid is a StackPanel with another StackPanel and a Frame inside. I would like to have that Frame stick to the bottom of the parent StackPanel.

       //normal content
     <Frame /> // should stick to the bottom

So that, for example, when the user resizes the Window and the Grid gains height, the Frame inside sticks to the bottom.

I have tried various things, using VerticalAlign="Stretch" or a DockPanel and assigning the Frame a DockPanel.Dock="Bottom", but to no success. I'd be thankful for a hint or two. I don't need the StackPanel to be a StackPanel, it can also be a DockPanel.

Please post your grid code and let know what height does other rows in the grid should be at...Saagar Elias Jacky

3 Answers


A StackPanel is not the correct Panel to use for your requirements as they do not provide the same layout and resizing capabilities as a Grid. Therefore, simply replace it with a Grid, give the majority of the space to the inner StackPanel and then the Frame will stick to the bottom.

        <RowDefinition Height="*" />
        <RowDefinition Height="Auto" />   
       //normal content
     <Frame Grid.Row="1" />

You can find out more about the different WPF Panels in the Panels Overview page on MSDN.


Looks more like a use case for DockPanel

        <!--//normal content-->
    <Frame DockPanel.Dock="Bottom"/> <!--// should stick to the bottom-->

According to MSDN docs about StackPanel

A StackPanel Arranges child elements into a single line that can be oriented horizontally or vertically.

So in your case, StackPanel is not the right control to use. If you want your control to be fixed at a particular position, you can use DockPanel and place your control inside it.

        <Frame DockPanel.Dock="Bottom"/>