Take this code
sysuse auto, clear
reg price mpg c.mpg#i.foreign
outreg2 using "example.txt", stats(coef) replace
This outputs
mpg -329.0***
0b.foreign#co.mpg 0
1.foreign#c.mpg 78.33**
Constant 12,596***
Observations 74
R-squared 0.289
Standard errors in parentheses
*** p<0.01, ** p<0.05, * p<0.1
Ideally, I'd like it to display the value labels, as is done in the console's regression output:
price | Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval]
mpg | -329.0368 61.46843 -5.35 0.000 -451.6014 -206.4723
foreign#c.mpg |
Foreign | 78.32918 29.78726 2.63 0.010 18.93508 137.7233
_cons | 12595.97 1235.936 10.19 0.000 10131.58 15060.35
I don't need any of the other stats at the moment; I'm strictly including that last piece of output to show what I mean with the value labels. Searching through the documentation for outreg2 tells me how to display variable labels, but not value labels.
Also posted on Statalist.
? – dimitriyestout
support doing this automatically? I've seen Statalist posts that describe writing code to do this manually, but sinceregress
already does this automatically, I'm hoping to find a solution that does the same. – Michael A