
I have Matlab R2011b and want to call some C++ code from it. I guess I need some mex-commands for that, and install a c++ compiler that Matlab will work with. I have Windows 7, 64bit, MS Visual Studio Community 2013 (Version 12.0) and am not sure which MS SDK; it says under "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SDKs\Windows" I see several folders, v7.0A, v7.1A, v8.0, v8.0A, v8.1 and v8.1A. The list of compilers supported by Matlab tells me that Matlab R2011b supports the c++ compilers "Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Express with Microsoft Windows SDK 7.1" and "Microsoft Windows SDK 7.1".

When I type "mex -setup" in Matlab and have it locate installed compilers, it says "No supported SDK or compiler was found on this computer. "

Does it mean that:

  • Matlab R2011b only supports MS Visual Studio 2010 Express, but not MS Visual Studio Community 2013 (which I could have figured, if it were downward compatible)
  • it does not find the compiler; then where is it - I know the .exe to my Visual Studio, but is this also the compiler?
  • I need the the SDK 7.1 - then do I have to uninstall the others? When I search in my list of Software (through the control panel) for "SDK", I see only "Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5 SDK", "Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5.1 SDK" and "Microsoft Silverlight 5 SDK"
  • anything else? Thanks.
Not an answer, but maybe try stackoverflow.com/q/8552580/2778484chappjc

1 Answers


I am currently experiencing the same issue, maybe this could help. The error is (on Matlab2014a terminal):

> mex -setup c
Error using mex
No supported compiler or SDK was found. For options, visit

When you actually follow that link, it shows that only Professional versions of Visual Studio can be linked to Matlab, such as "Microsoft Visual C++ 2013 Professional". Since you and I have "Community" versions of Visual Studio I think that's where the problem is.

I am now trying to get a standalone version of SDK but it seems like it does not want to install and I don't know why...

Hope you have solved your problem since your post.