I'm trying to configure a flow in mule studio using the Web Services Connector. The SOAP body the endpoint is expecting looks like:
The <filter>
node itself is required, but the contents are optional, so I'd like to get my flow to send a body like:
<filter />
Is there a way to set up the message payload to send this request?
Running Anypoint Studio 5.1.0, Mule ESB 3.6.
My current flow config:
<flow name="GetFieldInfo">
<http:listener config-ref="localhost" path="/fields" doc:name="HTTP"/>
<enricher source="#[payload]" target="#[flowVars.sessionId]" doc:name="GetSessionId">
<flow-ref name="GetSessionId" doc:name="Login"/>
<data-mapper:transform config-ref="Xml_loginResponse__To_Xml_sessionHeader_" input-ref="#[flowVars["sessionId"]]" target="#[message.outboundProperties["soap.sessionHeader"]]" doc:name="Set Session Header"/>
<ws:consumer config-ref="BrontoAPI" operation="readFields" doc:name="Web Service Consumer"/>
<echo-component doc:name="Echo"/>
. What does Mule send currently? Afilter
element with empty child elements? – David Dossotlogger
before thews:consumer
does it log the payload as null? – David Dossot