
I am trying to use an INDEX MATCH to return the optimal choice from a list of items associated to values that change based on various criteria. My current sheet setup and formula is this:

A     B    C
Item1 Bad  27
Item2 Good 15
Item3 Good 27
Item4 Bad  44

Column A is a named range Item.
Column B is a named range ItemType.
Column C is a named range ItemValue

=INDEX(INDIRECT(SUBSTITUTE('Sheet'!B3," ","")),MATCH(MAX(IF(INDIRECT(SUBSTITUTE('Sheet'!B3," ","")&"Type")="Good",INDIRECT(SUBSTITUTE('Sheet'!B3," ","")&"Value"))),INDIRECT(SUBSTITUTE('Sheet'!B3," ","")&"Value"),0))

(entered as an array formula)
In its current iteration, this will return Item1. I would like it to return Item3.

In this example, 'Sheet'!B3 contains the category to search (in this example Item). I use a variety of named ranges based on the data in that cell and suffixes with the use of INDIRECT/SUBSTITUTE. My current formula finds the highest value that also is Good, but then returns the first value that matches it, regardless of it being Good or Bad. I have tried adding an additional IF statement at different points of the formula but the cell would either return FALSE or a formula syntax error. How can I maintain my ="Good" IF statement throughout the formula?

Thank you!

I don't think you are going to get an answer. Please provide a snapshot of the data you have in sheet and what you would like the solution to be based on the sampled data you provided.dimitris_ps
@dimitris_ps The only data relevant to the formula in sheet is cell B3, which contains Item in order to point the indirect substitutes to the correct named ranges. The named ranges are in a separate source sheet. As I mentioned, I would like the solution to be Item3 in this case, as this is the highest value in Column C/ItemValue that is also Good in Column B/ItemType. Hope this clears things up.Organicbeing

1 Answers


You will need to double up the Good condition. Once for determining the max number and then again with the max number to determine the Item.

This non-array equivalent is the syntax I favor over the array method.

=INDEX(INDIRECT(SUBSTITUTE('Sheet'!B3," ","")), MAX(INDEX(ROW(INDIRECT(SUBSTITUTE('Sheet'!B3," ","")))*(INDIRECT(SUBSTITUTE('Sheet'!B3," ","")&"Type")="Good")*(INDIRECT(SUBSTITUTE('Sheet'!B3," ","")&"Value")=MAX(INDEX(INDIRECT(SUBSTITUTE('Sheet'!B3," ","")&"Value")*(INDIRECT(SUBSTITUTE('Sheet'!B3," ","")&"Type")="Good"), , ))), , )))

This is your array method.

=INDEX(INDIRECT('Sheet'!B3), MATCH(MAX(IF(INDIRECT('Sheet'!B3&"Type")="Good",INDIRECT('Sheet'!B3&"Value"))), IF(INDIRECT('Sheet'!B3&"Type")="Good", INDIRECT('Sheet'!B3&"Value")), 0))

If the ___Type and ___Value are always in the same position relative to the primary, you might want to abandon the three named ranges and just use a single named range with OFFSET.

=INDEX(INDIRECT('Sheet'!B3), MATCH(MAX(IF(OFFSET(INDIRECT('Sheet'!B3), 0, 1)="Good",OFFSET(INDIRECT('Sheet'!B3), 0, 2))), IF(OFFSET(INDIRECT('Sheet'!B3), 0, 1)="Good", OFFSET(INDIRECT('Sheet'!B3), 0, 2)), 0))

The OFFSET function is considered a volatile function. These recalculate whenever anything in the workbook changes and should be avoided for that reason. However, you are already using the INDIRECT function and that is considered volatile as well.