
I managed to get the cover picture but i can't get the full size one. I've read on some other stackoverflow post that instead of getting it from facebook api they were replacing the url (what i'm doing now).


A) At best i would like facebook to return the full size cover if it is possible, so i don't need to do the case B.

B) If case A is not possible, is it possible to change what i'm doing now to regex? I'm just not sure it is the best way to do if case A is not possible.

$total_chars = strlen($response->cover->source);
$last_occurence = strrpos($response->cover->source, '/');
$new_haystack = substr_replace($response->cover->source, '', $last_occurence, ($total_chars - $last_occurence));
$first_occurence = strrpos($new_haystack, '/');
$new_cover_url = substr_replace($response->cover->source, '', ($first_occurence + 1), ($last_occurence - $first_occurence));

since :


need to be :


(p180x540/ has been removed).

I'm not sure what you're currently doing there. Is the dir you want to remove always p180x540/? If so a str_replace should do the trick.chris85
Except that p180x540 might not always be the same, this is why i didn't use str_replace.Brieuc
What is consistent about that, always pnumbersxnumbers/ or always p3numbersx3numbers/? or maybe not starting with a p always as well?chris85
Hard to tell, i can't know how the url will evolve in the futur, not even sure it would use p or x. Their doc is really poor about it. This is why i guessed i could use the last occurence of "/" since the last part of the url has more chances to stay that way.Brieuc
So it is always the second to last directory you want removed?chris85

2 Answers


Here's a non-regex approach. Obviously open to flaws of directory changes but should work in described instance.

$string = 'https://fbcdn-sphotos-g-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xpa1/t31.0-8/p180x540/11084131_1381639242163565_3886632224714594501_o.jpg';
$replace = array_reverse(explode('/', $string));
echo str_replace($replace[1] .'/', '', $string);

Preg_replace will do the job. However the expression i'll join is not solid in terms on unknown corner cases.

    $fb = "https://fbcdn-sphotos-g-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xpa1/t31.0-8/p180x540/11084131_1381639242163565_3886632224714594501_o.jpg";
    $fb1 = "https://fbcdn-sphotos-g-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xpa1/t31.0-8/11084131_1381639242163565_3886632224714594501_o.jpg";

    $fb = preg_replace('/p[0-9]+x[0-9]+\//i', '', $fb);

    echo ($fb);