I currently have a grid that I created with Angular ui-grid that allows the user to select a number of rows. The first column of each row has an id number, and I would like to add the ids of the selected rows to an object in my model so that I can use those ids to query my database on the back end.
My problem is that I have not figured out how to access cell values, much less how to add the value of selected cells to my model. So any help would be very much appreciated!
Here is the code for my grid that I use in my controller
$scope.gridOptions = {
enablePaginationControls: false,
enableRowSelection: true,
enableSelectAll: true,
paginationPageSize: 25,
enableHorizontalScrollbar: 0,
enableVerticalScrollbar: 0,
columnDefs: [
{field: 'analysis_id',displayName: 'Analysis ID',width: '15%'},
{field: 'study_id', displayName: 'Study ID',width: '15%'},
{field: 'publisher', displayName: 'Publisher',cellFilter: 'titlecase',width: '20%'},
{field: 'parent_company', displayName: 'Parent Company', cellFilter: 'titlecase',width: '30%'}
$scope.gridOptions.onRegisterApi = function(gridApi) {
$scope.gridApi = gridApi;