
I am getting started with Visual Studio Team Services, and I am trying to get the list of Work Items, I am searching in the documentation but I cant get what is the possible solution. Following Services I have already tested: https://sami1212.visualstudio.com/DefaultCollection/MyFirst/_apis/wit/workitems/$Task?api-version=1.0

I can get a single work item using its ID but cant get all work items https://sami1212.visualstudio.com/DefaultCollection/_apis/wit/workitems?ids=4&api-version=1.0

Any help will be appreciable. Thanks in advance :)


1 Answers


To get a list of work items you need to run a query.


You can create your own or use one of the exciting ones. I tend to write them in the visual studio editor and then save it to the desktop and open in notepad.