I'm trying to process some data and store it in a datawarehouse. For doing it, I wanted to store dimensions in one transformation and fact (only have one) in another transformation. So I can use a job for execute the first one, copy rows to result
and get them into the second transformation.
In the first transformation, I read some Excel file and separate this data into some streams. It is data from a baptism, so I have one stream for the person, another one for parents, another one for sponsors, and so on... At the end of each stream, I insert data into database and return PK autogenerated (it is an id autoincrement).
In the second one, I only have Get rows from result
and want to set them into a txt file (just for see it is been done correctly). The problem is that the file is created but it is empty. I suppose that if I let fields in Get rows from result
empty, it gets all fields.
What am I doing wrong?
At the end what I want is to have one Copy rows to result
at the end of each stream in the first transformation and get all this data in the second one.
In "Insert Pare Padrina" I return id_pare_padrina which is autogenerated, and the same with "Insert Mare Padrina" (I have more streams which I also have to include them into result). This transformation is not executed per row because I need values of other rows.
Thank you!