
I would like to store and retrieve special characters (/, * etc) into/from DB table. This is my attempt:

public enum SpecialCharacters {
    Hack("H/K"), Gk("G*M");

    private String value;

    private SpecialCharacters(String value) {
        this.value = value;

    public String toString() {
        return this.value; // This will return , # or +

@Column(name = "Special_Char")
private SpecialCharacters specialCharacters;

But in DB table it stores only enum field Names like Hack and Gk, not H/K and G*M

Why do you think storing the enum names is wrong?Seelenvirtuose
Cant you just use the value returned by toString from the retrieved enum?Reimeus

1 Answers


With the @Enumerated Annotation you are only able to store the name or ordinal of your enum. With JPA 2.1 you can use the @Converter Annotation.

See Chapter 11.1.10 of the specification.



public enum SpecialCharacter {

    private String value;

    private SpecialCharacter(String value) {
        this.value = value;

    public String toString() {
        return this.value; // This will return , # or +

    public static SpecialCharacter valueOfKey(String key) {
        for (SpecialCharacter specialCharacter : values()) {
            if (specialCharacter.toString().equals(key)) {
                return specialCharacter;
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Illegal key");


@Converter(autoApply = true)
public class SpecialCharacterConverter implements AttributeConverter<SpecialCharacter, String> {

     * Converts a {@link SpecialCharacter} to the correspondig String that is used in the database
    public String convertToDatabaseColumn(SpecialCharacter specialCharacter) {
        return specialCharacter.toString();

     * Converts a String from the database to the corresponding {@link SpecialCharacter}.
    public SpecialCharacter convertToEntityAttribute(String dbValue) {
        return SpecialCharacter.valueOfKey(dbValue);



public class SomeEntity {

    @Column(name = "Special_Char")
    private SpecialCharacter specialCharacter;

    public SpecialCharacter getSpecialCharacter() {
        return this.specialCharacter;

    public void setSpecialCharacter(SpecialCharacter specialCharacter) {
        this.specialCharacter = specialCharacter;