
My PCL project is setup with these targets:

  1. .NET Framework 4
  2. Silverlight 5
  3. Windows 8
  4. Windows Phone 8.1
  5. Windows Phone Silverlight 8

I created the PCL target for my nuspec file using the NuGet Package Explorer.

My target looks like this: lib\portable-net4+sl5+wp8+win8.

If I create a Windows 8 test project, I can find the latest version of my library in NuGet. If I create a Windows Phone 8.1 project, this version does not show up.

What am I doing wrong here?


1 Answers


According to NuGet documentation (please take a look here at "Common Framework and Profile Targeting Examples" section) you need to add wpa to your target to make it work. Please be also aware that wpa target works only with NuGet 2.8.1+

Those same profile targets are what is used for the items in the portable profile target.