
I'm having problems with my asp.net 4.0 Web Forms application not allowing anonymous access to landing page.

My problem is the following

  • If I access the site using URL "localhost/website/default.aspx", the default page is shown. When I click on the login button on the page, the users is logged in as expected.
  • If I access the site using URL "localhost/website", the user is taken directly to the login page. The expected behavior is that the "default.aspx" page will be displayed.

I'm testing on Windows 7/64 using VS2010. My web.config section looks like

<authentication mode="Forms">
  <forms name=".xxxxADAuthCookie" loginUrl="~/Login.aspx" timeout="45"
         defaultUrl="~/secure/Default.aspx" slidingExpiration="true" />
<membership defaultProvider="MyADMembershipProvider">
    <clear />
    <add attributeMapUsername="sAMAccountName" name="MyADMembershipProvider"
         type="xxxxx.xxxxxxFormsAuthenticationMembershipProvider" />
  <deny users="?" />
  <allow users="*" />
  <location path="default.aspx">
        <allow users="?" />
Make sure that default.aspx is at the top of your default document list.Erik Funkenbusch
Do you want to access the default.aspx before log in?Angus Chung
Yes. That is what the users want.photo_tom
hi @photo_tom , is it works?Angus Chung

2 Answers


Check your Web.config: defaultUrl="~/secure/Default.aspx" The "/secure/" folder not mentioned in the hierarchy you described above.

Another option: try to force default routing in Global.asax.cs (something like this:)

            new { controller = "website", action = "default", id = UrlParameter.Optional } 

I think that you can set your loginUrl=defaultUrl.

<forms name=".xxxxADAuthCookie" loginUrl="~/secure/Default.aspx" timeout="45"
     defaultUrl="~/secure/Default.aspx" slidingExpiration="true" />

<location path="login.aspx">
      <allow users="*" />

Try it again.