Currently , I am developing a framework , I want to add custom scaffolding option in visual studio menu.
By default "MVC5 Controller with views, using Entity Framework" option 3 from the dialog box chooses "CodeTemplates\MvcControllerWithContext\Controller.cs.t4" , that t4 again targets view t4 templates inside
- "CodeTemplates\MvcView\ModelMetadataFunctions.cs.include.cs.t4"
- "CodeTemplates\MvcView\Create.cs.t4"
- "CodeTemplates\MvcView\Edit.cs.cs.t4"
- "CodeTemplates\MvcView\Delete.cs.cs.t4"
- "CodeTemplates\MvcView\List.cs.cs.t4"
I have been modifying t4 templates almost a year, I haven't found a single piece of evidence that suggest that how it is targeting those views or how to add option in the scaffolding dialog. I have googled a lot , however haven't found anything close.
In summary , I am only looking for the place where I can add or modify the locations for those t4 templates and add a reference of a new scaffold in the scaffolding dialog box.
Any of the answer will be dearly appreciated. Thank you.