I am trying to add widgets dynamically with Qt. My code looks like this
void MainWindow::on_actionLoad_DAS_Measurement_triggered()
QWidget *MeasurementsWidget = new QWidget; //Create a new widget which will show a small icon of the loaded measurements.
QGridLayout *MeasurementLayout = new QGridLayout; //Create a GridLayout which will contain the small icons.
QTextBrowser *Measurements[12] = {new QTextBrowser}; //Create an array for the loaded measurements. This will contain the actual icons respectively.
int MeasurementCount, MeasurementColumns, MeasurementLines, Number;
QStringList LoadDASMeasurement = QFileDialog::getOpenFileNames(this,"","","DAS Measurement (*.dl3; *.dl2)"); //Opening measurements in .dl2 and .dl3 format
MeasurementCount = LoadDASMeasurement.count(); //Saving the number of the loaded measurement
MeasurementCount++; //Increasing the number of the loaded measurement, to create enough columns after the division
MeasurementLines = 2; // 2 lines are used. Can be modified in the future
MeasurementColumns = MeasurementCount / MeasurementLines;
Number = 0;
for (int LineCount = 0; LineCount < MeasurementLines; LineCount++)
for (int ColumnCount = 0; ColumnCount < MeasurementColumns; ColumnCount++)
MeasurementsWidget->setLayout(MeasurementLayout); //Assign the widget to the GridLayout
setCentralWidget(MeasurementsWidget); //Set the Widget as a centralwidget, so it will be shown in the mainwindow
I always get a warning message: QLayout: Cannot add a null widget to QGridLayout/ And only the first widget is shown.
Can anybody help why this warning occurs?