
I have a report with 3 groups. Each group is a child of the one before it. The two child groups are hidden by default and have their visibility toggled by clicking its parent. Columns to the right contain aggregate values for each of the groups.

My problem is when i try to export the report to Excel there is a row added for each parent group. Viewing on the web or exporting to PDF don't have this problem.

Anyone have an idea for how to prevent this row from displaying?

This is how it looks on the web or PDF (how I want it to look):

This is how it looks on the web/PDF

This is how it looks when exported to Excel (do not want): This is how it looks in Excel


1 Answers


This seems to be a bug that was (allegedly) fixed by Microsoft back in 2010 (I know - it sounds unbelievable). https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/kb/2462084

But according to this Microsoft Answer, it's a known "feature"

https://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/8b927902-f3d8-46b9-acd0-fd22843b980f/ "When exporting to Microsoft EXCEL, excel will add an extra row for each group"

I found one solution that shouldn't work but might (I haven't tested it):

Insert Column -> Outside Group - Left of your Level 2 Group go to the newly created Static members (Column Groups/Advanced Mode), and set the Hidden Property to True https://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/sqlserver/en-US/1f221636-cd84-4d89-a226-fba6a4d660d1/