
I want to use my slim server remotely with fitnesse but it doesn’t work because the fitnesse always want start the slim server locally. The problem: On hostA there is a standalone fitnesse server (started from command prompt with „java -jar fitnesse-standalone.jar -p 8080” command) with a very simple textfixture:

!define TEST_SYSTEM {slim}
!define slim.host {hostB}
!define slim.port {8090}
!define slim.pool.size {2}


On hostB I have a slim server which listens on port 8090. If I start the fixture I get the following error message:

„Unable to start test system 'slim': java.io.IOException: Cannot run program ""c:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre7\bin\java"": CreateProcess error=2, The system cannot find the file specified”

It seems that fitnesse want to start the slim server anyway locally because if I define the test runner:

!define TEST_RUNNER {<path>/to/my/slimserver/mycslim.exe}
!define COMMAND_PATTERN {%m}

It works but this is not the behavior what I need. I thought If I define the slim.host and slim.port fitnesse will connect to the hostB automatically without starting the slim server locally.

It is possible to configure the fitnesse server to connect to a remote slim server without starting it locally? Thanks for help!


1 Answers


I have written a custom TestSystem to achieve this. The key is the client builder.

public class CustomClientBuilder extends SlimClientBuilder {
   public CustomClientBuilder(Descriptor descriptor) {

   public SlimCommandRunningClient build() throws IOException {
       Object commandRunner = new MockCommandRunner(this.getExecutionLogListener());
           return new SlimCommandRunningClient((CommandRunner)commandRunner, this.determineSlimHost(), this.getSlimPort(),
            this.determineTimeout(), this.getSlimVersion(), this.determineSSL(),

Use this client builder in your test system factory:

public class CustomTestSystemFactory implements TestSystemFactory {
  private final SlimTableFactory slimTableFactory;
  private final CustomComparatorRegistry customComparatorRegistry;

  public CustomTestSystemFactory(SlimTableFactory slimTableFactory,
        CustomComparatorRegistry customComparatorRegistry) {
    this.slimTableFactory = slimTableFactory;
    this.customComparatorRegistry = customComparatorRegistry;

  public final TestSystem create(Descriptor descriptor) throws IOException {
    SlimClientBuilder clientBuilder = new CustomClientBuilder(descriptor);
    SlimCommandRunningClient slimClient = clientBuilder.build();
    HtmlSlimTestSystem testSystem = new HtmlSlimTestSystem(clientBuilder.getTestSystemName(),
        slimClient, this.slimTableFactory.copy(), this.customComparatorRegistry);
    return testSystem;