I need to create a mail via VBA, send it, and then export a .msg file of the sent mail to be archived (I know, it's weird, but that's what the boss asked for).
Creating the mail is straightforward:
Set OLK = Outlook.Session
Set ML = OLK.Createitem olMailItem
With ML
.Recipients.add "[email protected]"
.Subject = "Great mail you have there"
.Body = "It would be a shame if somebody couldn't archive it"
End with
Problem is, after sending the mail is moved in the sent folder and the ML object points to nothing.
I could use the .saveas method before sending, but then the saved file is the unsent version, which can be edited and sent again.
How can I trace the mail in the sent folder?
The "brute force" way I found out implies saving the ConversationIndex before sending
IDX= ML.ConversationIndex
and then scan all the items in the sent folder for it:
For each ML in OLK.Session.GetDefaultFolder(olFolderSentMail).Items
If ML.ConversationIndex = IDX Then ML.SaveAs HomeDir & "\" & OutFileName: Exit For
but it isn't exactly a smooth work.... (and may fail if some smartass replies to the automatic mail, even if nobody should)